Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Provo Housing

Provo housing is the most frustrating thing ever. Not only is it expensive...the complexes do not care to remodel their 30 year old buildings or make them more student friendly with desks, big closets, and appliances. I don't know how else to explain it. I've been looking for almost 2 months now. We had a few different things lined up but for whatever reason the landlord decided to go a different direction and rent to girls, which doesn't make sense to me necessarily because guys usually always eat out whereas girls cook. Anyways, I'm waiting to hear back from this one landlord of this perfect house. She is deliberating and apparently it takes more than a week to deliberate. I'm not sure why, but I guess I just have to be patient; however, my patience is running thin as my contract expires 3 weeks. I'm almost to the point where I think it may be smarter to pitch a tent in the mountains, not to mention cheaper.


  1. Have you looked at Santa Barbara Condos/ Apartments? They are super nice and I got a pretty good deal there!

  2. You can always sleep in my front room :) Or maybe Xander will let you share his room.

  3. My summer job used to be cleaning the apts my grandma rented to Young men going to BYU.. Let me just say there is a good reason she switched to only renting to married couples. I remember cleaning urine off the wall and finding cockroaches in the fridge. We repainted every year. Not everyone is like you Jace.. You just need to convince the owner that you are clean.

  4. We landed a house finally!!!! :-) We'll be moving in this Friday!! Yay!
