O tay. My sisters blog inspired "Ace of Jace" to come out of a year long retirement. As much as I'd like to post on here frequently, neither can I promise anything nor can I promise that the content will inspire, uplift, or entertain. However, I'll do my best haha. Well one post won't fill in the last year or even the last week but here goes an attempt. This year was consisted of:
-Changing my major to Accounting
-Going to New York with the Family (Wall Street, Walking out of Jersey Boys, Church
history sites, mercury car rental, watching my sisters shop, Tiffany's were all some of the
-Getting an Accounting job in Salt Lake
-Getting a Bulgarian teaching job at the MTC
-Playing a lot of basketball
-Spending time at the lake
-Restoring my love for the piano
-Purchasing my first car a 1998 Subaru Outback (I named her Lily the Lil Cucumber)
-Watching my favorite team Duke with the National Championship
-And many other things
As I sit and contemplate life sometimes I wonder where things are headed. I've decided no matter what I love accounting and I'm going to major in it. Even if I don't get into the accounting program at BYU I will transfer. My lifelong professional goals include that of being a serial-preneur among other things. To achieve that I've decided an accounting degree would be the best route to go to help me achieve that and it just so happens that I love it. I'm not dating anyone and haven't really dated anyone since I've been home from my mission. This is always a weird subject full of emotions in every direction possible. At times I think to myself that who cares why do I need a girl anyways? I have my family, friends, sports, accounting, business, and the piano but then what good does it do for me to have a bunch of money, talents, a job or two, a degree, and no one to share it with. So who knows. I suppose things will work out how they are supposed to. Getting screwed over, rather canceled on 6 times in a semester, is not the ideal way to get to the gold in the end but if that's what it takes o well. Therefore, I have yet to go on an official date this semester. In a positive light, from a financial standpoint at least I didn't have to spend money on someone else's wife to find out what kind of girl she really was haha. My roomies are in similar situations so we joke that it's time to adopt a boy and Uncle Purvis can teach him chemistry and football, Uncle Dubois can teach him mathematics and video games/tennis, Uncle Anstead can teach him anatomy and soccer, and Uncle Mattinson can teach him business and basketball. He'll be the best well rounded kid ever. Wishes, wishes, wishes.
Our weekly dates with each other are probably the most fun things I've ever done. We go to Cafe Rio and mess with people on a consistent basis. That's really fun. That has become a tradition. Recently we fed the duckies together, "Ducky want water?" Let the good times roll. Getting into random cars, (accidentally) Bulgar driving, listening to Taylor and Carrie, studying, watching and playing football, hitting the gym, and crashing parties are all part of the good times. We hate our living arrangements at King Henry rather Slave Henry and we will never live here again. Over-pricing, over-promising, and under-delivering are all some of the superb qualities Slave Henry possesses. However, the good ol days at the Henry will never be forgotten.